Sunday, March 4, 2012


LOVE a word thrown around so much that i don't really don't know what it means anymore. How can a person Love you and put you down whether in Anger or Fight? that just doesn't resonate to me as love. Is there Love without Sacrifice? the answer is NO. We are a being made up of individuality, so how will person co-habituate if we don't sacrifice a little of us now and then?...We can not! Acknowledging that we are not only responsible for our happiness but also for the happiness of the people around us. Not because something make you feel good doesn't not mean the same goes for everyone. THINK BEFORE YOU ACT!..If you love someone their Happiness should be as Important if not more than yours and if we all think this way, if we all think for the other then we'll all be better off because if by ensuring your happiness i'll ensure mine then we'll all be and feel what we need to.


Love only comes with pain when the love is not equal. The Emptiness and Physical Pain you feel when you love someone that does not love you in the same measure is one that I've felt so many time before. To look in the eyes of someone you love and never see that awe you feel inside, the fear of not knowing when it will be no more. THAT'S NOT LOVE!! Love involves two hearts intertwined, A bond nothing and no one can break. That longing is the heart searching for that feeling that started it all. Let no one use Infatuation Disguised and tell you it's love. LET NO ONE TAKE LOVE FOR GRANTED!! It's too precious for someone not to realize how valuable it is to our survival in this life.


Some say love last forever..Well LOVE ITSELF LAST FOREVER...BUT but love between individual last as long as you work for it to last. As i said in the start it all come back to the sacrifices we are willing to make for love. if you love someone you must be willing to make sacrifices for their happiness and vice versa. if you're only going to think about your happiness then as i said before that just isn't Love. Remember that the same feeling you had in the starting of the relationship can be maintain throughout if both partners are willing to work out any difference in a Oh So Propa manner that they won't hurt their partner to a point where it's unforgivable. Take No One's Love for Granted, Not because you were forgiven by your partner for past mistakes does not give you permission to travel on the same path. That was merely a opportunity for change or i like to say improvement.

LOVE.....My definition~~ A Burning Fire Within Me... The way you always go out of your way to make me feel~FANCY~Never hesitating for any reason~when i need you ~~you were here all along!! LOVE~The Way I Can't Help Feeling About You!! Do You Understand!! I LOVE YOU

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