Friday, August 29, 2014

♥ Fancy ♥ ♫♫ What Am I To Do ♫♫

Empress Fancy -What Am I To Do 

♫♫....♥  Got me going #Crazy...I #Feel you #Touching me ...Its In my #Dreams but it feels so Real baby....♫♫

Give up  that anger, it is really not worth fighting. Don't play those hurtful memories again and again. Delete them or burn them into ashes. Let it go and let love into your heart once again.
~ Donna Nonstandard

♥ 7 ♥~ I AM #OHSOFANCY #Siah #OHSO7ANCY Take a time out to #Tickle you #Fancies #teamlove #teamfancy #propaway #propating #OhSoPropa #Fantabulous #EmpressFancy #DifferentFacesOfFancy #FancyEmpress #EmpressOfUniversalFanciness #FancymeansLove ~#FANCILY

The power of forgiveness
Forgiveness is something that all of us need at some point or the other. The Holy Bile asks us to forgive others their trespasses so that our own may be forgiven by almighty God. we only need to be considerate towards others so that we may receive consideration in return. Even if we don't, we must forgive so that we may be free of the burden and may not aggravate the problem in our own minds.

CHECK OUT Yeah we taking it to #1 on all charts #TeamFancy ...We are Now #3 on the #Reverbantion Charts for #Reggae #Jamaica ...#14 on the #National Charts and #208 on the #Global Charts :* I #Fancy you all ...#FancymeansLove ~#Propa <3

♥ 7 ♥~ I AM #Love #OHSOFANCY #Siah #OHSO7ANCY Take a time out to #Tickle you #Fancies #teamlove #teamfancy #propaway #propating #OhSoPropa #Fantabulous #EmpressFancy #DifferentFacesOfFancy #FancyEmpress #EmpressOfUniversalFanciness #FancymeansLove ~#FANCILY 

A LITTLE ENCOURAGEMENT FROM THE ONE YOU FANCY MOST Extracts from my Manuscript #The_Pain_That_Grew_Fancy

I've been through alot of heartache and pain ...both mentally and physically. I've been hurt by the people I loved and trusted the most but I've over-come all they've tried to do to bring me down and if I can do it, anyone can. life has brought me alot of changes filled with sunshine and with storm but I've learn to accept the changes and in that acceptance I've come to the realization that it all had to happen and there is nothing I or anyone could have done to stop it. Theses struggles make me who I am, they curved this wonderful being called me and I'm OH SO FANCY :)

© TOO Fancy INC........ #IAmLove

♥ 7 ♥~ I AM Love #OHSOFANCY #Siah #OHSO7ANCY Take a time out to #Tickle you #Fancies #teamlove #teamfancy #propaway #propating #OhSoPropa #Fantabulous #EmpressFancy #DifferentFacesOfFancy #FancyEmpress #EmpressOfUniversalFanciness #FancymeansLove ~#FANCILY